
Micaela COELHO

Tha Brazilian preface for the « Cours de Linguistique Générale »

This work is an analysis of the Cours de Linguistique Générale's Brazilian preface -by N. Salum - which was published in 1970, together with the translation of the book into Portuguese. Saussure's thought was introduced in Brazil, in a first moment, through the original edition in French. The reading of the book lead to many interpretations, from which emerged works such as those by Mattoso Câmara, who treated the phonetics aspects of Portuguese, as well as some aspects concerning General Linguistics, based on Saussure's ideas. In light of this, it is important to highlight that the Brazilian preface consists in an important document to a second moment of the CLG's reception in Brazil, which was established by the publication of its translation into the country's mother tongue. Therefore, the relevance of this work is based on the need to realize a theoretical and contextual analysis of the CLG's Brazilian preface. In a specific way, with this analysis it will be possible to turn to the historical context in which the text was written and published as well as to the dichotomist vision of saussurian principles, punctually shown by Salum (1970).

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