3 – The CLG beyond Linguistics


Organizer : IRENE FENOGLIO, Directrice de Recherche, ITEM, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

Page web : http://www.item.ens.fr/index.php?id=148



Beyond the obvious case of linguistics, what do the human sciences owe to the publication a century ago of the Course in General Linguistics?

Can we today put the question as directly as that?

The structuralist reading of the CLG has led to the forming of a conceptual space designated as “structuralism” that itself has designated for many years a sort of common fund from which the human sciences have drawn for their definition and development. Phenomenology with Merleau-Ponty, anthropology with Lévi-Strauss, semiology with Greimas, for example, have profited from this space of ideas and have contributed, bit by bit, to ideologizing it. In parallel, because this movement issued from a new understanding of linguistics, the very relationship between the human sciences – in their totality and case by case – has been modified.

If the progressive, multiform invention of “structuralism” profited from the visibility of the human sciences in the 1960s and 1970s, what place does the CLG have in their theoretical work today?

The papers proposed for this session can either take a historiographical perspective on the impact of the CLG on the orientation and development of the human sciences, or be devoted to locating what today is used/discussed/refused from the CLG, but also from the whole of the “Saussure corpus”, i.e. the CLG taken in the context of its sources in the manuscripts of Saussure and others.

If the human sciences generally evoked in this context are anthropology, semiology and  psychoanalysis, the session does not exclude any other field, e.g. philosophy, history, textual and literary studies and epistemology.

Contributions dealt with:

  1. Semiology in Saussure and in the CLG
  2. The CLG in the development of semiology and semiotics
  3. The CLG in the development of the human sciences (anthropology, psychology, history…)
  4. The CLG and psychoanalysis
  5. The CLG and the study of literature and the arts
  6. The CLG and the human sciences today


  • Michel Arrivé (Professeur émérite de l’université de Paris Ouest-Nanterre) : Saussure et l'inconscient
  • Jean-Claude Coquet (Professeur émérite de l'Université Paris-VIII): Au-delà de la sémiologie saussurienne


Michel Arrivé : Saussure et la psychanalyse

Jean-Claude Coquet : Saussure et la sémiotique/sémiologie

Marie-Christine Lala  : Saussure et la littérature

Patrice Maniglier  : Saussure et la philosophie

Jacques Coursil  : Saussure et.... les maths.... la musique... 

Et Daniele Gambarara.



Selected papers for parallel sessions

16.07.2016   10:30 -11:30

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Giuseppe D’OTTAVI

10:30 - 11:00 Héctor-Andrés PEÑA RODRIGUEZ
Être langage, entre semeion et gramme
> read abstract...
11:00 - 11:30 Ecaterina BULEA BRONCKART
Que pourrait être la psychologie du développement si elle prenait la linguistique saussurienne au sérieux?
> read abstract...

16.07.2016   11:30 -11:45 - Pause

16.07.2016   11:45 -12:45

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Giuseppe D’OTTAVI

11:45 - 12:15 Emanuele FADDA
Saussure’s Cours as an Alternative Source for Social Ontology
> read abstract...
12:15 - 12:45 Beata STAWARSKA
The structuralist claim to the Cours de Linguistique Générale and a phenomenological alternative
> read abstract...

16.07.2016   12:45 -13:45 - Repas

16.07.2016   14:00 -15:00

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Jean-Claude COQUET

14:00 - 14:30 Rosa Attié FIGUEIRA
La langue en mouvement: ce que la théorisation sur les occurrences divergentes doit à Saussure.
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Gildas SALMON
Une théorie oppositive de l’identité culturelle : le CLG au service de la comparaison anthropologique
> read abstract...

16.07.2016   15:00 -15:15 - Pause

16.07.2016   15:15 -16:15

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Jean-Claude COQUET

15:15 - 15:45 Maddalena DI BENEDETTO
Saussure au miroir d'Italo Calvino
> read abstract...
15:45 - 16:15 Maria Fausta PEREIRA DE CASTRO
Sur Saussure et la portée de sa pensée
> read abstract...

17.07.2016   10:30 -11:30

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Maria Fausta PEREIRA DE CASTRO

10:30 - 11:00 David PIOTROWSKI & Yves-Marie VISETTI
Merleau-Ponty et Saussure : sur le diacritique et la différence
> read abstract...
11:00 - 11:30 Stefania HENRIQUES
Entre la légende et la langue : la notion de Sémiologie dans les élaborations saussuriennes
> read abstract...

17.07.2016   11:30 -11:45 - Pause

17.07.2016   11:45 -12:45

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Maria Fausta PEREIRA DE CASTRO

11:45 - 12:15 Shaul HAYOUN
An attempt at a non-linguistic semiology: the case for Accounting Semiology
> read abstract...
12:15 - 12:45 Heloisa MONTEIRO ROSÁRIO
L’influence de Saussure sur l’élaboration théorique de Benveniste dans le domaine de la sémiologie
> read abstract...

17.07.2016   12:45 -13:45 - Repas

17.07.2016   14:00 -15:00

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Irène FENOGLIO

14:00 - 14:30 Karen ALVES DA SILVA
Réflexion sur le sujet parlant entre les anagrammes et le Cours de Linguistique Générale
> read abstract...
14:30 - 15:00 Yamina OUDAI CELSO
L’héritage saussurien dans la théorie psychanalytique du symbolisme onirique entre Freud et Lacan
> read abstract...

17.07.2016   15:00 -15:15 - Pause

17.07.2016   15:15 -15:45

Title: Le CLG au-delà de la linguistique (Irène FENOGLIO)
Chair: Irène FENOGLIO

15:15 - 15:45 Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN
Le Cours de linguistique générale et la psychanalyse
> read abstract...