1 – Linguistics Starting from the CLG: Empiricism and Theory
Organizer : GABRIEL BERGOUNIOUX, Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique, Université d’Orléans.
Page web : http://www.lll.cnrs.fr/gabriel-bergounioux
With his Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes (1879), Saussure demonstrated the heuristic potential of comparativism. With the Course in General Linguistics, he opened up an essential version of the structuralism that, through the diversity of its objects of study and the breadth of its considerations, succeeded in being claimed as their own by phonologists as much as by semiologists, philosophers of language and grammarians.
This session has combined papers concerning current developments in comparativism and historical linguistics on the one hand, and on the other, contemporary research issuing from:
- new models proposed since the 1960s (phonologies, morphologies and formal syntaxes in particular),
- transformations of linguistics resulting from an increasing documentation of languages (typology, theory of universals and modes of variation, corpus linguistics),
- fields of application and development (computational linguistics, forensic linguistics, semiology…),
- research conducted at the interface with other disciplines (anthropology, psychoanalysis, neurology…).
Particular attention has been payed to the testing of theories by seeing how they hold up in the face of data from one or more languages, in either the synchronic or the diachronic domain. The ambition was for the papers given in this session to map out landmarks for a cartography of problems and methods, to work out how we can represent the way in which linguistic work currently operates in the analysis of systems and their realizations, in synchrony and in diachrony.
Raffaele SIMONE, Professeur émérite, Université Roma Tre : L'élaboration des idées-phares de Saussure. Continuation et discontinuité
Selected papers for parallel sessions
15.07.2016 09:30 -10:30
Title: La linguistique à partir du CLG: empirie et théorie (G. BERGOUNIOUX)Chair: Jacques COURSIL
09:30 - 10:00 Bruno COURBON
Quelques conséquences de la linéarité du langage : choix des signes et transformations lexicales10:00 - 10:30 Lorenzo CIGANA
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Théorie et empirie. Rêver le « rêve de Saussure »
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15.07.2016 11:30 -11:45 - Pause
15.07.2016 11:45 -12:45
Title: La linguistique à partir du CLG: empirie et théorie (G. BERGOUNIOUX)Chair: Giuseppe D’OTTAVI
11:45 - 12:15 Reinier SALVERDA
'Montrer au linguiste ce qu'il fait' - Revisiting De Saussure from an experimental perspective on language play12:15 - 12:45 Jean-Louis VAXELAIRE
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Le CLG et le nom propre : le pharmakon saussurien
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15.07.2016 12:45 -13:45 - Repas
15.07.2016 14:00 -15:30
Title: La linguistique à partir du CLG: empirie et théorie (G. BERGOUNIOUX)Chair: Pierre-Yves TESTENOIRE
14:00 - 14:30 Jacques COURSIL
Idiosynchronie: Programme saussurien de la langue14:30 - 15:00 Carita KLIPPI
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Le devenir du paradoxe saussurien en sociolinguistique15:00 - 15:30 Estanislao SOFIA
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Empirie et théorie dans (les différents moments de) la pensée de Saussure
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15.07.2016 15:30 -15:45 - Pause
15.07.2016 15:45 -16:45
Title: La linguistique à partir du CLG: empirie et théorie (G. BERGOUNIOUX)Chair: Carita KLIPPI
15:45 - 16:15 Thomas BEARTH
Au-delà du signe simple: Frei vs Bally – échos lointains d'une controverse solitaire16:15 - 16:45 Janaína NAZZARI GOMES
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Devenir parlant d'une langue étrangère: une étude à la lumière de la théorie saussurienne
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